Extra Credit Reading Notes on the Jatakas
The Hawk and the Osprey
This reading presented a great take away, which is the value of true friendship is worth a great deal, although I did find it funny that the tortoise was able to pull all the men into the water.
The Pious Wolf
I very much enjoyed this story. I have always valued my integrity. It is what we have been taught since childhood, "act as though someone is always watching you", in this case the author placed it into an incredible analogy to show the importance of keeping your word.
The Grateful Beasts and the Ungrateful Prince
Another story giving an important lesson. One that many need to take to heart with all the hate floating around. Being kind and giving, although can sometimes appear a burden, in the end it will always be better than being hateful.
The Golden Goose
This story has a sad truth to it, that one person can be the representation of an entire group. This has been seen in current events from every organization I can think of. A prevalent example is of the peaceful protesters that get intruded upon by rioters, which will allow the public to blame everyone within the group.
The Wise Physician
A comforting story that brings tells to have faith in what you believe. In this case it is faith in Buddha. It can also be taken that although sometimes we feel alone in our circumstances of life, there are always others who have or are feeling the same. No one is alone in their feelings.
The Lion and the Crane
Although the Buddha, the white crane, is deemed the protagonist within this story due to the Lion not returning a favor for the Crane's good deed, I feel as though the Crane should have simply helped the lion out of compassion, but instead, in my opinion, the crane wanted something in return.
The Monkeys and the Hollow Cranes
An interesting story about how Buddha created the world how it is today to help others. In this case it was by creating hollow canes for monkeys to use to drink out of a lake, which was haunted by an Ogre.
The Princes and the Water-Sprite
A great story about how knowledge is power. If it were not for the eldest prince's knowledge of Fairies all of the brothers would have been in control of the Water-Sprite. If it were not also for the eldest Prince's reasoning to bring back the Sun prince, as they were only on this journey because of him, but with no fault of him, he brought back him back, thus leading to the Water-Sprites good will of bringing back the Moon prince as well.
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