Time Strategies for Meee
I have always had the mindset of having good time management, but put into practice I was quite bad at it. I found the post about procrastination to be quite useful. I have already told people about what I am going to do in order to better motivate me to actual do it, instead of just thinking about doing it. Another useful article was over realistic study plans. I have always found myself placing my available study time at the end of the day, but this is unrealistic as my other activities might go on longer than what I previously expected, thus leaving less time for my studies, or less sleep for me. Therefore this semester I will be allocating one hour every morning to this class throughout the work week. If I am unable to finish the assignments within this time period I will complete the work on the weekends, as I am usually not to busy. If the work due during the week is completed faster than expected, than I will be able to work ahead with my allotted time for this course.
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