Reading Notes: Sita Signs the Blues

Sita Sings the Blues Author: Nina Paley
This story was a retelling of the Ramayana through a video. I enjoyed the use of the three narrators arguing with each other and coming to conclusions as to what happened. This helped keep my attention throughout the entirety of the story, although I did not enjoy the addition of a separate story that showed the tale between a modern couple, who's relationship was similar to that of Sita and Rama.
I did find it interesting how this adaption of the Ramayana decided to take out Lakshmana from the group that went out into exile. I did the same when creating a story based off of the Ramayana stories, as I thought Lakshmana was an unessential character to the story. Although the music portions of the story were cool, I thought it took away from the plot of the story. For someone who has has not read the Ramayana before this leaves out some of the story.


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